Self-Driving Locomotives Crafted In China Primed For Introduction In IKN, Devoid of Traditional Rails and Eco-Conscious

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event 15 July 2024
category Automotive, Technology

An autonomous train set without rails is set to arrive at the Nation's Capital or IKN by the end of this month. Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi mentioned that this rail-less train could begin operations by August 2024.

Key Point

  • The government intends to host exhibitions or demonstrations between October and December 2024. Their goal is for the appearance of this rail-less autonomous train to motivate other cities throughout Indonesia
  • With this technology, the autonomous train is praised for its effectiveness in lowering greenhouse gas emissions and reducing the consumption of fossil fuels.

"It is scheduled to arrive at IKN by late July 2024 after the customs clearance process is completed. Thus, the autonomous train is confirmed to commence operations by August 2024," he said on the official website of the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia.

Minister Budi stated that the autonomous train set had departed from China in early July 2024, consisting of one train set comprising three cars. According to estimates, the expedition ship transporting the train is expected to arrive at Balikpapan Port.

The train set will be assembled and undergo internal testing at IKN. Subsequently, the autonomous train will enter the preparation phase and joint testing implementation, followed by the Proof of Concept (POC) in August 2024.

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Inspiring Other Cities

The government plans to hold showcases or demonstrations from October to December 2024. They hope the presence of this rail-less autonomous train will inspire other cities in Indonesia.

"We hope this schedule can be realized as planned, and the Autonomous Train in IKN can truly inspire other cities in Indonesia in developing smart transportation," Minister Budi said.

According to him, the autonomous train represents a leap in the use of new technology in transportation in Indonesia, namely rail-less trains. The autonomous train operates using batteries guided by road markings and sensors.

With this technology, the autonomous train is touted as effective in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and fossil energy consumption.

The Autonomous Train at IKN will pass through National Axis Road. Minister Budi said this road has a very smooth texture, making it comfortable for commuters and passengers passing through.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR) is also constructing stops to support the operational needs of the Autonomous Train. Not only will these stops serve as passenger boarding and alighting points, but they will also function as charging stations.

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