Help Ismail and his Family to evacua

Circular Image Roki Anjas is organizing this fundraiser.
Icon Date 27 March 2024
Family Icon Family
Goals Amount
FG 121,212 GNF


I write to you after a lot of thought and hesitation, but my hope to save my family’s life gave me the courage to ask you for urgent help in evacuating my family from Gaza to a safe place.

A year ago today, around this time, we were decorating our home with joy and happiness in anticipation of the upcoming month of fasting.

I am asking you for help and asking you to donate to treat my father and evacuate my family from Gaza.

Your help and donations will give us hope throughout the dark times we live.

The money we collect will be allocated to cover the expensive travel expenses of a large number of my family members, provide them with temporary shelter, begin urgent treatment for my father, and provide the necessary needs for my family during this difficult period.

I thank you from deeply for your support and understanding in these difficult moments.

أنا إسماعيل برغوت من غزة
اكتب هذا بعد الكثير من التفكير والتردد، لكن دافعي لانقاذ حياة عائلتي اقوي من اي اعتبارات.

انا هنا لاطلب منكم المساعدة العاجلة في اجلاء عائلتي من غزة الى مكان آمن.

تركنا منزلنا في غزه ونزحنا مرات عديده في ظل ظروف لا انسانية نعاني من كل اشكال القهر والمرض والتلوث وانعدام الامن والعلاج.
ابي مريض بتليف حاد بالكبد، حرمته الحرب من اجراء عمليه عاجلة كانت مقرره له، وانا مريض سكر وضغط مرتفع لا اجد علاج منذ اربع شهور.






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Goals Amount: FG121,212

Bank Account

Name of Bank: BCA Digital

Bank Account Number: 124214124

Name of Bank: Mandiri

Bank Account Number: 932323223

Name of Bank: BRI

Bank Account Number: 93932322