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Choosing the correct ways to relax and take care of oneself may be really beneficial in a time when these things are becoming increasingly important. Nuru massage is unique among massage techniques si...
account_circle Alena Basumatarava
label Personal
category Healthcare
Taking care of dental and oral health, including cleaning dental calculus, is something that everyone should routinely do. However, this is often neglected due to perceived high costs. In fact, d...
account_circle IndoConnex
label Personal
category Healthcare, Health & Wellness, Insurance
Treatment service picture. Source: humas.fku Penang, an island in Malaysia, is renowned as the premier medical hub of the country. People from various nations, particularly those in Southeast Asia li...
account_circle IndoConnex
label Business
category Healthcare, Travel & Tourism
source: Key Points: -        Many Indonesians choose medical care in Penang, Malaysia because of the affordability & proximity. -     &n...
account_circle Anna Evelyn
label Personal
category Healthcare, Health, Medical Clinic & GP